The One One Bar
Categories: Bar & Grill • Nightlife
501 S Mill Avenue View on Google Maps
Suite 300
Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 534-8620
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Then only rooftop bar at the center of Mill Avenue.

Nearby Dining
- Varsity Tavern501 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Low Key Piano Bar501 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Rodeo Ranch501 S Mill Ave (27 feet E)
- Mesquite Fresh Street Mex505 S Mill Ave (34 feet SW)
Nearby Shopping
- Habitz Grab N Go425 S Mill Ave (133 feet N)
- Cactus Sports514 S Mill Ave (175 feet SW)
- Lotions & Potions420 S Mill Ave (201 feet NW)
- Candle Chemistry516 S Mill Ave (207 feet SW)
Nearby Culture & Entertainment
- Varsity Tavern501 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Harkins Valley Art Theater509 S Mill Ave (25 feet SW)
- Rodeo Ranch501 S Mill Ave (27 feet E)
- Darkstar526 S Mill Avenue (308 feet SW)
Nearby Parking
- On-Street Meters (91 feet NW)
- City Hall West Lot 5th St @ Mill (165 feet E)
- Maple Avenue Lot20 W 6th Street (406 feet SW)
- The Brickyard Parking Garage 6th St 6th St @ Mill (416 feet SE)