Tempe Hardware Building
520 S Mill Ave View on Google Maps
Tempe, AZ 85281
The Tempe Hardware Building was originally built as the Odd Fellows Hall in 1899. The building has also served as home to a variety of fraternal organizations, churches and civic groups, in addition to a number of businesses. The Tempe Town Council met in the building, prior to construction of the first Town Hall in 1924. The Tempe Hardware Co. occupied the ground floor from 1906 until it closed in 1976, making it one of the oldest continuously operated businesses in Tempe history.

Nearby Dining
- Mesquite Fresh Street Mex505 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Low Key Piano Bar501 S Mill Ave (25 feet NE)
- The One One Bar501 S Mill Avenue (28 feet NE)
- Varsity Tavern501 S Mill Ave (31 feet NE)
Nearby Shopping
- Cactus Sports514 S Mill Ave (151 feet SW)
- Habitz Grab N Go425 S Mill Ave (161 feet N)
- Candle Chemistry516 S Mill Ave (181 feet SW)
- Thirsty Dog 2 Go15 W 5th St (206 feet W)
Nearby Culture & Entertainment
- Harkins Valley Art Theater509 S Mill Ave (13 feet NW)
- Varsity Tavern501 S Mill Ave (31 feet NE)
- Rodeo Ranch501 S Mill Ave (47 feet NE)
- Darkstar526 S Mill Avenue (279 feet SW)
Nearby Parking
- On-Street Meters (104 feet NW)
- City Hall West Lot 5th St @ Mill (183 feet NE)
- Maple Avenue Lot20 W 6th Street (384 feet SW)
- The Brickyard Parking Garage 6th St 6th St @ Mill (395 feet SE)