Garfield Goodwin Building
Category: Historical Properties
514 S Mill Ave View on Google Maps
Tempe, AZ 85281
Original Use:Goodwin Curio Store /Current Use: Retail and Dining
The Garfield Goodwin Building has long been a site of commerce in Downtown Tempe. Garfield Goodwin operated the Goodwin Curio Store in that location from 1903 to 1944. This building is architecturally significant in that it is Tempe's one-story cast iron frame commercial building. It retains a significant portion of its exterior and interior integrity to include its cast-iron façade.
The Goodwin Building Currently houses Old Town Books, DIVAZ Boutique, Cactus Sports, and The Real Estate Brokers.

Nearby Dining
- The One One Bar501 S Mill Avenue (adjacent)
- Varsity Tavern501 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Low Key Piano Bar501 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Mesquite Fresh Street Mex505 S Mill Ave (33 feet S)
Nearby Shopping
- Habitz Grab N Go425 S Mill Ave (134 feet N)
- Cactus Sports514 S Mill Ave (167 feet SW)
- Lotions & Potions420 S Mill Ave (195 feet NW)
- Candle Chemistry516 S Mill Ave (200 feet SW)
Nearby Culture & Entertainment
- Varsity Tavern501 S Mill Ave (adjacent)
- Harkins Valley Art Theater509 S Mill Ave (18 feet SW)
- Rodeo Ranch501 S Mill Ave (37 feet E)
- Darkstar526 S Mill Avenue (304 feet SW)
Nearby Parking
- On-Street Meters (83 feet NW)
- City Hall West Lot 5th St @ Mill (174 feet E)
- Maple Avenue Lot20 W 6th Street (398 feet SW)
- The Brickyard Parking Garage 6th St 6th St @ Mill (420 feet SE)