CARE 7 is a 24-hour crisis response partnership with Tempe's Fire Medical Rescue and Police departments to provide on-scene emotional support and follow-up to community members facing trauma. Care 7 is one of the 5 beneficiaries of the Tempe Mission campaign, our mission to raise $100,000 in one year to help the homeless. Needless to say, a lot goes into what Care 7 does, but here are 5 quick intro tidbits about the Care 7 operation.
1. They get dispatched on-scene by Tempe Police and/or Fire.
When a 911 call comes in, Tempe Police/Fire will dispatch the Care 7 team. Care7 heads to the scene in their own van, and when they arrive, they focus on the emotional and practical needs of the family or individual, while Tempe PD/Fire handle the law, medical, and fire needs.
Care 7 provides crisis intervention, support, and referrals to victims dealing with a death or traumatic event, sexual assaults, homicides, robberies, attempted or completed suicides, drownings, house fires, and serious injury accidents.
Martha, one of Care 7's full-time employees, explained that what they actually do on scene varies from call to call. On one call they could be comforting the children immediately after being rescued from their burning home (with blankets, a change of clothes, a leash for their dog, food and water, and general guidance) and on the next call they could be assisting a woman in a domestic violence emergency, counseling her and giving her resources to remove herself from the situation such as where to get help, a computer/internet access, etc.
2. They have a van!
Two, actually – and a car. You’ve probably seen them around Tempe. They keep a large array of random necessities in the back – things like food, water, clothing, shoes, hygiene products, car seats, boxes, strollers, diapers, dog food, leashes, pet carriers, cell phones for clients, bus passes, gift cards, blankets, etc. The stash grows constantly, Martha explained. When they are on-scene, they find themselves thinking “I wish we had *THIS* right now!”, then they stock it for the future.
The vans have tinted windows, so privacy is ensured for the victims. When care is being given on-scene, it is private. The vans are also equipped with their dispatch equipment.
3. In addition to their full-time staff, they also welcome volunteers.
Volunteering for Care 7 is extremely rewarding, and they definitely make sure you are prepared for the experience. It requires a two-hour orientation before applying, a written application, an interview, a reference check, and a background check. After accepted into the volunteer program, you move on to a series of training courses that cover things like domestic violence, grief support, substance abuse, suicide intervention, and more.
4. They are a 24 hour operation.
The Care 7 team is on-call 24 hours a day. Members of the team sleep at their base, ready for a call at any time. They receive 6 calls calls per day on average, at all hours of the day.
If you'd like to know more about Care 7 and it's volunteer opportunities, head over to their website! Check out all of the ways you can contribute to the Tempe Mission as well! #TempeMission #DowntownTempe #NowhereElse