Green with Envy
Tag: Blog • Shopping & Leisure
I've been in Arizona for 10 month now and am finally getting acclimated to the plethora of brownish reds native to the desert landscape. My eyes are accustomed to plush greenery. After several months of blinders, I am really starting to take in what's around me. I must say that I'm quite impressed with how many trees surround us. I didn't expect the desert, let alone Downtown Tempe to have so many asset that I'm sure has other urban environments green with envy.
All of the greenery truly is a breath of fresh air, something that the South Caroline in me desperately needs. Urban settings can surprisingly have a great amount of greenery, and Downtown Tempe is home to many amazing emerald gems...these are just a few of my faves!
Centerpoint…I love that there's this amazing little oasis seemingly right in the middle of Downtown Tempe, complete with a babbling brook and a large public art installation. Combined with the open canopy of windswept trees, it’s easy to forget you're in an urban setting, even though W6 is looming nearby.
Just a short stroll from Centerpoint is ASU's Main Campus. Have you actually walked Cady Mall? One of my favorite trees and shady spots (no pun intended) is just outside of the Matthews Center -- there's a beautiful Indian Laural Fig with benches nearby. The green here is so comforting and all encompassing, like a huge hug.
I would be remiss if I didn’t mention historic Mill Ave. Next time you walk along the tree-lined main street, stop and look up. The stretch of Mill Avenue between 6th and 7th street is about as good as it gets in terms of walking in urban atmospheres. The other day I stopped at Slickables and grabbed an ice cream sandwich, but didn’t make it 5 steps out the door before I was taken hostage by the green canopy hanging over me. It sounds simple, but simple provides great value to people living, working, shopping, sharing, and walking in Downtown Tempe.
So there you have it...some of my favorite emerald gems. If you haven't figured it out by now, I’m a nature loving, tree hugging kind of gal who is so grateful to have a lifestyle that incorporates nature into urban. Do you blame me?