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4 Immediate Observations of Downtown Tempe from a Newbie

Tag: BlogArts & Culture

Hi! I'm Aminda, the new Marketing Coordinator here at Downtown Tempe Authority. 

Prior to moving to Arizona earlier this year, I've only visited a few times - mainly to visit family. Which to be honest, consisted of laying by their pool, sipping on mojitos and dipping many, many chips into guacamole. After I decided to actually move Arizona, I was slightly worried that the day-to-day life wouldn’t compare to the vacation-esque rendition I had previously experienced.

Well, about a month has gone by since I touched down here and I’m excited to say that even though I’m not being hand-fed grapes while I sun bathe, I couldn’t be more excited to be here!  I’ve been wandering around Downtown Tempe, soaking up the culture and sunrays. Besides the obvious (major) upgrade in weather this time of year, I’m pleasantly surprised with the overflowing amount of vibrant energy here in Tempe.

Here are a few things I've noticed about Downtown Tempe that I've been enjoying right off the bat. 

1. Delicious Food

Obviously, I’ve noticed plenty of options for some delicious grub. My lunch game is about to go zero to one hundred, real quick. With so many appetizing options (and all within walking distance of my workplace) I'm tempted to make a vow to myself; not to eat at the same place twice until I’ve experienced them all. Hmm…

Side note: I apologize I for not having a delicious foodie photo to insert here, but so far I've tackled all of my food before the thought of snapping a pic crosses my mind. 

2. Awesome Shopping

My wallet and I are suckers for all things unique and eclectic, so I feel like I’m in the right spot. I stumbled into Lotions & Potions, where I created a custom scented lotion in only about five minutes. I went with Patchouli + Clary Sage in a Vitamin ADE lotion. It was a tough choice because they sport an entire wall of oils to choose from, as well as a few different options for the lotion base itself.

3. Up-and-coming Newness

Turning every corner, I find something fresh and intriguing. From skate boarders zooming past with an ice cream sandwich in hand, to funky store displays drawing me in to add to my wardrobe, I’m charmed.  Although everything here is technically new to me, I get the impression that even the natives are kept on their toes with new things joining the community frequently. I have passed a couple of Mill Ave store fronts where the smell of sawdust and fresh paint has me on the lookout + stoked for the newbies to open up shop.


4. Witty Messages

Another thing that I really appreciate is the abundance of quirky scribblings showcased on walls and chalkboard displays. They’re those warm and fuzzy type of messages that you want to post to your Snapchat story, and they make me feel like I’ve already got some pals here in DT Tempe. These signs and sayings make me feel pretty, they make me laugh, and they make me want to participate in Happy Hour – all of which a true friend would do.


Thank you, Downtown Tempe, for welcoming me with inspiring positivity, a lively turf, and delicious brews! 

What are some of your favorite things about Downtown Tempe? Fill me in! 


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